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Q: In what three ways are the three groups of amphibians similar and different?
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3 groups of amphibians?

three groups of amphibian

What are three main groups of amphibians?

Frogs and Toads, Salamanders and Newts, and Caecilians.

How is an amphibians circulatory system different from that of a fish?

Humans give birth to live young, but fish are oviparous (egg-laying).

How is an amphibians circulatory different from that of a fish?

the amphibians have a three chambered heart whilst the fish have a two chambered heart.

Write three groups in which animals can be placed?

Amphibians, Reptiles, Mammals, Cold-blooded, Warm-blooded

How many amphibians are there?

There are over 7,000 species of amphibians in the world.

Which three vertebrates groups have the same body temperature as their surroundings?

The three Vertebrate groups that have the same temperature as their surroundings are Fish, Reptiles, and Amphibians. That means they are all cold blooded.

What organisms are classified as amphibians?

There are three groups: * Frogs and toads (Anura) * Salamanders and newts (Caudata) * Caecilians (Gymnophiona)

What are the three groups of coldblooded animals?

reptiles, amphibians, and that's all i got. 2 out of 3. hope this helps

What are the three groups of amphibians?

1)Frogs and Toads 2)Salamanders and Newts 3)CaeciliansSalamanders, Frogs and Caecilians , are three living groups of Amphibia .

What are the different groups of 3 that you can make with 9?

You can make three different groups of three out of nine. 9/3=3

What three groups of amphibians are alive today?

Anura composed to frogs & toads,Caudata made up of salamanders & newts, Gymnophiona consist Caecilians leg-less amphibians that resembles to giant earth worms