If you are 78 now (04 March 2013) and your birthday is before March 4,
then you were born in 1935 .
If your birthday is after March 4, then you were born in 1934 .
Well, isn't that just a happy little question! If you are 78 years old, you were born in 1943. Just imagine all the beautiful landscapes and happy little trees you've seen in your lifetime. Remember, every year is a new opportunity to paint a masterpiece on the canvas of your life.
-78. If you're wondering how old someone born in 1933 is today (i.e. in 2011), that means they're 77 or 78 years old, depending on if they've had their birthday yet this year.
78 months is 6½ years. (78 divided by 12 months per year) It is approximately 2374 days.
Zhang was born in 78 A.D
1930 or 1931 depending in which month you were born in.
Sulla was born about 138 BC and died in 78 BC.Sulla was born about 138 BC and died in 78 BC.Sulla was born about 138 BC and died in 78 BC.Sulla was born about 138 BC and died in 78 BC.Sulla was born about 138 BC and died in 78 BC.Sulla was born about 138 BC and died in 78 BC.Sulla was born about 138 BC and died in 78 BC.Sulla was born about 138 BC and died in 78 BC.Sulla was born about 138 BC and died in 78 BC.
As of December 2012, tht person would have been born in 1934.
About 78. (78 weeks and 1½ days, for non-leap years) There are 52 weeks (and 1 day) in a year, 26 in a half year.
Well, isn't that just a happy little question! If you are 78 years old, you were born in 1943. Just imagine all the beautiful landscapes and happy little trees you've seen in your lifetime. Remember, every year is a new opportunity to paint a masterpiece on the canvas of your life.
The character of Hannibal was born in Lithuania in the year 1933. He would be 78 years old if he were alive today.
-78. If you're wondering how old someone born in 1933 is today (i.e. in 2011), that means they're 77 or 78 years old, depending on if they've had their birthday yet this year.