65 years old
If you turn 80 in 2013, you were born in 1933.
84th birthday in 2017 2,017 - 1,933 = 84
-78. If you're wondering how old someone born in 1933 is today (i.e. in 2011), that means they're 77 or 78 years old, depending on if they've had their birthday yet this year.
As of the 13th of February, 2017, the day the question was asked and answered, you are 30,533 days old.
Lloyd J. Old was born in 1933.
Shirley Temple was five in 1933! She was born in 1928.
49 years old
65 years old
German actor Karl-Otto Alberty is 84 years old (born November 13, 1933).
If you turn 80 in 2013, you were born in 1933.
he was born in 1933 making him 79
probably 1933, i think
You would have been born in 1946.
As of January 23, 2010 you would be 77 Years old.
Sheldon Adelson is 81 years old. He was born on August 4, 1933.