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Yes, among other things, like the exchange rate.

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Q: Increasing the number of times an investment is compounded in a year affects the dollar amount in the account?
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How does simple and compound interest affect the result of your investment exercise?

it affects the result of your investment excercise by changing the percentage yearly! PS: Your working on your Personal Management Merit badge for trail to Eagle right?

How surface area affects heat loss?

Increasing the Surface Area increases the heat loss. You will find a nice example in the related question link below.

When an error of 1 percent is made in the length of a square the percentage error in the area of square will be?

The percentage error in the area of the square will be twice the percentage error in the length of the square. This is because the error in the length affects both the length and width of the square, resulting in a compounded effect on the area. Therefore, if there is a 1 percent error in the length, the percentage error in the area would be 2 percent.

What affects the future value of an investment more interest rate or time of investment?

That depends on the specifics of the details. For a long loan varying the time of investment might not make much difference since the proportion of the change is small while the interest rate will have a large impact. For a short loan varying the interest rate might not have time to have much impact while variations in the length might make a large impact (being bigger changes proportionally). The two depend on each other too much to have a general rule about which has a bigger impact, you need to first narrow your region of interest down to a general range of rates and times and then see which has a bigger impact in that region with some quick calculations.

How many points does a 6-year-old charge off affect your credit score?

== == The only time your credit score was affected was within the first two years after this time period it no longer affects your credit score, but it is alwaus a good idea to check if the account is over the statue of limitation for your your state.

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How does gold investment affects GDP?

Investment in Gold reduces supply of money needed for accelation in economic growth. To that extent that affects growth of GDP.

How does inflation affect investment?

The inflation affects the investment indirectly when read with the return. Example if an investment provides a return of 6%, and the inflation during the same period is 5%, the investment in real terms increases only by 1% and not by 6%, as inflation eats away returns to the tune of 5%.

How these affected the results of your investment exercise?

There are many things that affect the results of your investment exercise. Demand is one thing that affects the results of an investment exercise.

How does increasing speed affect an objects potential energy?

It doesn't. Increasing speed affects the KINETIC energy.

How does force affects mass and acceleration?

Increasing force increases acceleration but increasing mass decreases acceleration.

What effect might increased savings have on economic growth?

Increased savings affects economic growth primary by changing the future level of savings with respect to investment. Since savings is matched to investment and investment is used to replace and purchase capital, future investment will determine the respective level of capital development. Economic growth, being a function of the factors of production, including capital, will be changed by increased savings by having a higher level of future capital. Moreover, increasing savings can increase or decrease future economic growth, depending on the difference between current investment and required investment. When current investment falls below required investment, future economic growth increases due to a savings increase and vice-versa. Decreasing growth is possible because factors of production have diminishing returns to scale, which means that increasing levels of capital have lower returns to productivity than previous units.

The process of crossing over affects the variation in living things by?

Increasing variation

How does temperature affects movement of particles?

Increasing the temperature particles move faster.

Does transferring balances effect your credit score or is it reported?

== == Yes, when you transfer a balance you are required to close that account. Closing an account decreases your score up to 20 points. You then increase the balance of a new account. Opening a new account decreases your score up 20 points. If you have a balance on an account that is already open and your transfer more money into that account you are increasing your balance; which will decrease your score up to 20 points. So, be careful with this process, and be aware of the affects.

How does a base affect the pH of water?

A base or alkali affects the pH water by increasing it.

How does increasing mass affect the motion of object?

increasing mass affects the force of objects in motion because it will slow the object down than its neighbor

How does increasing the temperature of a gas within a gas tank affect its volume?

It affects pressure, not volume.