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That depends on the specifics of the details. For a long loan varying the time of investment might not make much difference since the proportion of the change is small while the interest rate will have a large impact. For a short loan varying the interest rate might not have time to have much impact while variations in the length might make a large impact (being bigger changes proportionally). The two depend on each other too much to have a general rule about which has a bigger impact, you need to first narrow your region of interest down to a general range of rates and times and then see which has a bigger impact in that region with some quick calculations.

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Q: What affects the future value of an investment more interest rate or time of investment?
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How does compound interest affect the future value of an investment?


Does the future value of an investment increases as the number of years of compounding at a positive rate of interest declines?

No, the future value of an investment does not increase as the number of years of compounding at a positive rate of interest declines. The future value is directly proportional to the number of compounding periods, so as the number of years of compounding decreases, the future value of the investment will also decrease.

Capital ending formula?

The formula for calculating the future value of an investment with compound interest is FV = PV x (1 + r)^n, where FV is the future value, PV is the present value, r is the annual interest rate, and n is the number of periods. This formula helps determine how much an investment will grow over time.

What Excel function calculates the future value of an investment?

The FV function calculates the future value of an investment.

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What is maturity value?

The new value to a loan or investment after interest.

What does FV stand for in Excel?

It is a financial function. It returns the future value of an investment based on an interest rate and a constant payment schedule. So if you are paying in a set amount on a regular basis, like every month, and there is a fixed interest rate, it can work out how much your investment will be worth. See the link below for more details.

A loan at 6 percent interest over 5 years What is the total output?

If the interest is simple interest, then the value at the end of 5 years is 1.3 times the initial investment. If the interest is compounded annually, then the value at the end of 5 years is 1.3382 times the initial investment. If the interest is compounded monthly, then the value at the end of 5 years is 1.3489 times the initial investment.

The value of an investment after one or more time periods is called?

Future Value

Future Value Calculator?

Future Value Calculator Use this calculator to determine the future value of an investment which can include an initial deposit and a stream of periodic deposits.

What is the formula for determining the future value of cash?

Fn = P (1 + r )n where F n = accumulation or future value P = one-time investment today r = interest rate per period n = number of periods from today

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The present value of future cash flows is inversely related to the interest rate.