go to hover dam and you will see place its like a tunnel and you will see The Attack helicopter and the Jet
There are 34,509 seats at the Target Field.
Target or Walmart but I myself would get them at Target. They are very fun (;
nope, the angle is the same whether the target is 5 feet away or 500 feet away.. but the difficulty of nailing the exact angle gets greater the farther away the target is.
There are about 352,000 people employed at Target YEAH BOIIIEEEEE!!!!
When rounding to a specific place, take a look at the digit immediately to the right of the target. If that digit is 4 or less, zero everything to the right of the target out. If that digit is 5 through 9, increase the target by one and zero everything to the right of it out. If the target is a 9, increasing it will turn it to zero and increase the digit to the left of the target by one.
you go to a target and download it
On transformers Decepticons you can use Starscream or Megatron as a jet or by getting 2500 wifi tokens on allspark wars you can get G1 Starscream (Jet). I am not 100% sure but I think you have to go to any Target and go to someplace where you will download the movie trailer then you will get a Jet called Skydive (Autobots).
Same place as transfomers autobots, I think. Try Wal-Mart, Target, or Toys R Us. Just about any toy store has them, really. Unless you mean the video game. Most video game stores carry both versions.
You either go to target or walmart and do ds down load on transformers trailer, which is probably gone now. There is a code on action replay, it is 0203152CE3A0000102031530E8BD8038. You must name it all vehicles, or it will jack up the action replay.
You don't,you either go to target or walmart and do ds down load on transformers trailer, which is probably gone now.There is a code on action replay, it is 0203152CE3A0000102031530E8BD8038. You also must nname it all vehicles, or it will jack up the action replay.
you either go to target or walmart and do ds down load on transformers trailer, which is probably gone now.There is a code on action replay, it is 0203152CE3A0000102031530E8BD8038. You also must nname it all vehicles, or it will jack up the action replay.
You don't,you either go to target or walmart and do ds down load on transformers trailer, which is probably gone now.There is a code on action replay, it is 0203152CE3A0000102031530E8BD8038. You also must nname it all vehicles, or it will jack up the action replay.
Which plane? There are lots, on both sides. Here's a list: Decepticons Autobots Derge The Arielbots (Silverbolt, Skydive, Air Raid, Ramjet Fireflight, Slingshot) Thrust Jetfire Skywarp Stratosphere Thundercracker Starscream Revenge of the Fallen Magatron
you cant be star scream on autobots cause he is a decipticon.if u mean sky dive(jet) u need to down load it at target or download station
yes by wifi thing(allspark wars)
the jet does not appear ypu have to download the transformers trailer form target
you go to a download station at either gamestop or target stores