A real number
Integers on the number line are the whole numbers.
Integers are positive and/or negative numbers. Fractions are not integers because they are not originally positive or negative. However, they can both be put on a number line and be considered an integer. Fractions aren't integers unless put on a number line. Integers don't have to be on a number line to be considered an integer.
It IS on a Number Line. Set of Integers.
Two integers A and B are graphed on a number line. If A is less than B is A always less than B?
Any compound inequality, in one variable, can be graphed on the number line.
A real number
Integers on the number line are the whole numbers.
Irrational numbers can be graphed at a number line, but only as an estimation.
If you have drawn a number line counting in whole numbers, the integers are those whole number points. Any decimal numbers in between are not integers.
It could be a line graph, bar graph, or a pictograph.
Integer, rational and irrational numner, real number
Integers are positive and/or negative numbers. Fractions are not integers because they are not originally positive or negative. However, they can both be put on a number line and be considered an integer. Fractions aren't integers unless put on a number line. Integers don't have to be on a number line to be considered an integer.
Answer t What is the slope of the line graphed below?his question…
There are no negative integers between positive ones on the number line.