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It is a positive reciprocal.

x-a = 1/xa or equivalently, (1/x)a

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Sanford Ankunding

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Q: Is -(x) a negative number or positive number?
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The answer will ALWAYS be negative positive x negative=negative and vice versa positive x positive= positive

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a negative number plus a negative number is negative. here is a proof.(-x)+(-x)(-1)x+(-1)x-1(x+x)-1(2x)-2xa negative number times a negative number is positive though.

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The answer to this is a little counterintuitive. positive X positive = positive negative X positive = negative positive X negative = negative negative X negative = positive Do you see the pattern? Two positives and two negatives will always be positive. Think of yourself standing on a number line. If you're a positive number you will be facing to the right. If you are multiplied by a positive number you will move to the right (positive). If you are negative number, you will be facing to the left, but when multiplied by a negative number you have to move backwards, which is now to the right--a positive number! Think of yourself as always facing right when a positive number and facing left when a negative number and then go forward or backward with the next number.

When you multiply a negative by a negative is the number negative or positive?

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