decimals which are equivalent to 107 = 107.0, 107.00, 107.000
two decimals that are equivalent to 0.700 = 0.7, 0.70
two decimals are equivalent to 7.5 = 7.50; 7.500
two decimals equivalent to 2.5 = 2.50, 2.500
Yes there are call equivalent decimales
Is this equivalent to each other
what are two other decimals equivalent to 2.2 ?
1.02 and 1.20 are not equivalent decimals.
equivalent decimals for 2.6 = 2.60, 2.600. 2.6000, ...
equivalent decimals to 3.7 = 3.70, 3.700, 3.7000
Decimals equivalent to 0.80 = 0.8 and 0.800
decimals that are equivalent to 8.1 = 8.10, 8.100, 8.1000
decimals which are equivalent to 107 = 107.0, 107.00, 107.000
They are decimals that have equal value.
two decimals which are equivalent to 9.50 = 9.5, 9.500two decimals which are equivalent to 9.50 = 9.500 or 9.5000
two decimals equivalent to 0.5 = 0.50. 0.500
0.9 is equivalent to 0.90 or 0.900.