No, 0.5 is not greater than 0.875. To compare these two numbers, we can look at their decimal representations. 0.5 is equal to 5/10 or 50/100, while 0.875 is equal to 875/1000. When comparing fractions, it is clear that 875/1000 is greater than 50/100, so 0.875 is greater than 0.5.
It's greater than 5 and 75
No, 375 is greater.
Yes, 67 is greater than 5.
Just as 25 is greater than 5 (or 05) so 25% of a number is greater than 5% of that number.
No it isn't; 46 is greater than 05.
It's greater than 5 and 75
05 is the same as 5 which is greater than 0.33
Yes. .05 is the same as.050 which is greater than .035 .
No, 375 is greater.
Yes, 67 is greater than 5.
Yes because .05 is greater than .032