Convert both to decimal or a fraction then the comparison can be made:
Thus 0.5 is not greater than 5/8
Change the fractions into equivalent fractions with the same denominator (bottom numbers) and compare the numerators (top numbers):
lcd of 2 and 8 is 8, thus:
1/2 = 4/8 < 5/8
Thus 0.5 is not greater than 5/8
It's greater than 5 and 75
It isn't. But if there is a decimal point, and you actually mean 0.5 or .05, then this number is indeed less than 5, because the digit five is in a lower-value position.
No, 375 is greater.
Yes, 67 is greater than 5.
No it isn't; 46 is greater than 05.
It's greater than 5 and 75
05 is the same as 5 which is greater than 0.33
Yes. .05 is the same as.050 which is greater than .035 .
It isn't. But if there is a decimal point, and you actually mean 0.5 or .05, then this number is indeed less than 5, because the digit five is in a lower-value position.
No, 375 is greater.
Yes, 67 is greater than 5.
Yes because .05 is greater than .032