230.753divided by .07 equal = 3296.471428571428
To get percentage, multiply by 100 and add the percent sign; so the answer is 7.5%.
Is 0.15 percent more than .075 percent?
.07 or 7/100
75 watts is equal to 75/1000 = .075 kilowatts.
76.5% (one MB is 1/100 of a GB)
230.753divided by .07 equal = 3296.471428571428
125 is more than 075, so 125 mg is more than 075 mg.
.07 dkl
i think its $ 0.075
.075 = 3/40 as a fraction in its simplest form
To get percentage, multiply by 100 and add the percent sign; so the answer is 7.5%.
Is 0.15 percent more than .075 percent?
Separate But Equal was created on 1991-04-07.
Everybody's Equal was created on 1989-06-07.