Yes i think 0 is a palindrome because read fowards it says 0 and read backwards it says 0.
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#includeint main(){int num, r, sum=0, temp;print f("enter a number:");scan f("%d",&num);temp=num;while(n!=0){r=num%10;num=num/10;sum=sum*10+r;}if(temp==sum)print f("%d is a palindrome",temp);elseprint f("%d is not a palindrome",temp);return 0;}
because no number starts with 0. A palindrome has to start and end with the same number. For example you would have to write 020 (twenty) for it to be considered a palindrome, and that would not be the correct way to write numbers.
There is no palindrome for 14.
"Was it a rat I saw? is a palindrome.
Yes, 1331 is a palindrome
/*To check whether a string is palindrome*/includeincludevoid main () { int i,j,f=0; char a[10]; clrscr (); gets(a); for (i=0;a[i]!='\0';i++) { } i--; for (j=0;a[j]!='\0';j++,i--) { if (a[i]!=a[j]) f=1; } if (f==0) printf("string is palindrome"); else printf("string is not palindrome"); getch (); }
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #define N 100 #define PALINDROME 0 #define NONPALINDROME 1 /*Program that tells you whether what you enter is a palindrome or not*/ char pal[N]; //input line int i; //counter int k; //counter int tag; int flag = PALINDROME; /*flag=0 ->palindrome, flag =1 ->nonpalindrome*/ int main() { printf("Enter something: \n"); scanf("%s", pal); tag = strlen(pal); /*determine length of string*/ /* pointer running from the beginning and the end simultaneously looking for two characters that don't match */ /* initially assumed that string IS a palindrome */ /* the following for loop looks for inequality and flags the string as a non palindrome the moment two characters don't match */ for (i=0,k=tag-1; i=0; i++,k--) { if(pal[i] != pal[k]) { flag=NONPALINDROME; break; } } if(flag == PALINDROME) { printf("This is a palindrome\n"); } else { printf("This is NOT a palindrome\n"); } return 0; } #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #define N 100 #define PALINDROME 0 #define NONPALINDROME 1 /*Program that tells you whether what you enter is a palindrome or not*/ char pal[N]; //input line int i; //counter int k; //counter int tag; int flag = PALINDROME; /*flag=0 ->palindrome, flag =1 ->nonpalindrome*/ int main() { printf("Enter something: \n"); scanf("%s", pal); tag = strlen(pal); /*determine length of string*/ /* pointer running from the beginning and the end simultaneously looking for two characters that don't match */ /* initially assumed that string IS a palindrome */ /* the following for loop looks for inequality and flags the string as a non palindrome the moment two characters don't match */ for (i=0,k=tag-1; i=0; i++,k--) { if(pal[i] != pal[k]) { flag=NONPALINDROME; break; } } if(flag == PALINDROME) { printf("This is a palindrome\n"); } else { printf("This is NOT a palindrome\n"); } return 0; }
Private Sub Command1_Click() string1 = Text1.Text string2 = StrReverse(string1) result = StrComp(string1, string2, vbTextCompare) If result = 0 Then MsgBox string2 & " is a palindrome..." Else MsgBox string1 & " is not a palindrome..." End If End Sub
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> main() { char str[20],revstr[20]; int i,j=0,l,n; printf("enter a string"); scanf("%s",str); l=strlen(str); n=l-1; for(i=n;i>=0;i--) { revstr[j]=str[i]; j++; } revstr[j]='\0'; if((strcmp(str,revstr))==0) printf("palindrome"); else printf("not a palindrome"); getch(); }
#includeint main(){int num, r, sum=0, temp;print f("enter a number:");scan f("%d",&num);temp=num;while(n!=0){r=num%10;num=num/10;sum=sum*10+r;}if(temp==sum)print f("%d is a palindrome",temp);elseprint f("%d is not a palindrome",temp);return 0;}
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int n,s=0,m; clrscr(); printf("enter any no"); scanf("%d",&n); m=n; while(n>0) { r=n%10; s=s*10+r; n=n/10; } if(m==n) printf("the no is palindrome"); else printf("no is not palindrome"); getch(); }
because no number starts with 0. A palindrome has to start and end with the same number. For example you would have to write 020 (twenty) for it to be considered a palindrome, and that would not be the correct way to write numbers.
"Aha" is a palindrome that can be used as a preposition.
No, it isn't a palindrome.
The palindrome is Level.
There is no palindrome for 14.