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In terms of hot to touch, yes, very high.

In terms of the heat it takes to melt a metal, no, it is not very high

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Q: Is 102.56 degree celsius a high temperature?
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Why water vaporize at 70 degree Celsius?

70 degree Celsius is qiute a high temperature. in this temperature, the water molecules starts escaping which results in the vapourisation of water.

Is 39.9 celsius a high temperature for a 4 YEAR OLD?

Not sure, but take them to the doctors

What is the difference between Fahrenheit Celsius and centigrade?

Fahrenheit and Celsius scales both measure temperature in "degrees", but the value of a "degree" is different in the two scales. This is because the numerical values for the same temperature are different in each scale. It is possible to convert the temperature on one scale to the equivalent value on the other. (see related question) The Fahrenheit scale establishes the freezing and boiling points of water at 32 °F and 212 °F , while the Celsius scale lists these temperatures as 0°C and 100 °C. So a degree Fahrenheit is smaller, only 5/9 as large as a degree Celsius. 1.8 Fahrenheit degrees cover the same temperature scale as 1 Celsius degree. When a very high temperature is expressed in degrees C, the "number" is 1.8 times more in Fahrenheit.Until fairly recently the Celsius scale was known as Centigrade as there were 100 degrees between the freezing and boiling points of water at sea level; it was renamed in honour of him. However, it is interesting to note that Celsius actually devised his scales the other way round with water boiling at 0° and freezing at 100°, but it was at his death that it was inverted to the way we use by Carolus Linneaus. The Celsius scale is now defined in terms of Absolute zero (0 K = -273.15°C) and the triple point of water (273.16 K = 0.01°C).

The high temperature yesterday was 40 degrees celsius what is this temperature in degrees Fahrenheit?

Start by taking the number in Celsius and multiply it by 9. Then divide that number by 5, and then add 32. This is how you convert Celsius to Fahrenheit or use the equation F = (9/5)C + 32In this case, the answer is about 104 degrees Fahrenheit.

The high temperature yesterday was 38.8 degrees celsius what is this temperature in degrees Fahrenheit?

Start by taking the number in Celsius and multiply it by 9. Then divide that number by 5, and then add 32. This is how you convert Celsius to Fahrenheit or use the equation F = (9/5)C + 32In this case, the answer is about 101.84 degrees Fahrenheit.

Related questions

Why water vaporize at 70 degree Celsius?

70 degree Celsius is qiute a high temperature. in this temperature, the water molecules starts escaping which results in the vapourisation of water.

Is 99.3 degree Celsius a high temperature for a human person?

yes - close to boiling!

What are high temperature plastics used for?

The high temperature plastics can only be used from the temperature of 135 degree Celsius and lower. Many others thought that high temperature plastics meant that it can handle extremely high temperature but they are wrong.

How high do you have to climb for the temperature to drop 1 degree Celsius?

On average, the temperature drops about 1 degree Celsius for every 100 meters of elevation gain. This relationship is known as the environmental lapse rate. So, to lower the temperature by 1 degree Celsius, you would need to climb approximately 100 meters.

What is the temperature in the destert?

the temperature on any desert during the day time would be around 4o to 50 degree celsius. sometimes it reaches to 55 degree as well. the deserts which have such high temperature are Sahara and others. but during the night time ,the temperature drops and even reaches to -16 or -20 degree celsius.

What is the characteristics of springs?

Of course it has high temperature(above 50 degree of Celsius), hot, vapor on the water surface, smoke.

What is the high temperature on Saturn in Celsius?

The high temperature on Saturn's upper atmosphere is around -120°C.

What is the characteristics of hot springs?

Of course it has high temperature(above 50 degree of Celsius), hot, vapor on the water surface, smoke.

Can air turn to soild?

On lowering the temperature to -400 degree Celsius (approx) and increasing the pressure to very high level we can solidify air

What is the earths high temperature?

The highest temperature on Earth is 58 degrees celsius and the low is -88 degrees celsius.

What is the average high and low temperature on Uranus?

The average high temperature on Uranus is around -197 degrees Celsius, while the average low temperature is around -224 degrees Celsius. Uranus is one of the coldest planets in our solar system due to its distance from the Sun and its lack of internal heat sources.

Is 37.4 degrees celsius high for a toddler?

A temperature of 37.4 degrees Celsius would be considered slightly elevated in a toddler but not necessarily high. Monitor for any other symptoms such as lethargy, persistent crying, or difficulty breathing, and consult a pediatrician for further guidance.