No, because it is divisable by 2. A prime number is only divisable by one and itself.
it cannot be divisable by 5 and 9 but it can be divisable by 2,3,4,6,41,28,and 21
25 is not prime it is divisable by 5 14 is not prime it is divisable by 2 and 7
754 is divisable by 2.
It is 2754 with a remainder of 2.
Yes and the quotient is 9
Yes. 800 divided by 2 is 400.
No, since there is no such word. But 330 is divisible by 2.
No, they are not and nor are they all divisible by 2.
1, 2, 4, 8, 16
no, it's even. Divisable by 2.
they are all divisable by 1