There are no such numbers. The sum of any three odd numbers must be odd. 112 is not.
An odd number minus an odd number is an even number.
it is an odd number
It is an odd number.
Odd It is odd. The definition of an odd number is one that cannot be divided evenly by 2. The number 225 divided by two is 112 1/2.
There are no such numbers. The sum of any three odd numbers must be odd. 112 is not.
There are no numbers that equal 112, except for 112. Also, it's not possible to ADD three odd numbers and get 112 for their sum.
Let's do a small experiment with a few numbers to see we can find out.3 - 2 = 1, Odd when the first number is odd and larger than the second number which is even and smaller.5 - 12 = -7, Odd when the first number is odd and smaller than the second number which is even and larger.Based on the Inverse commutative property, switching the first number for an even would yield the same number except it's inverse.(a - b) = c(b - a) = -c2 - 3 = -112 - 5 = 7So it looks that an odd number minus an even number results in an odd number.
27 is an odd number.
An odd number minus an odd number is an even number.
when an odd number is subtracted from an odd number the answer is an even number.
it is an odd number
An odd number times an odd number is an odd number no matter which 2 odds you multiply.
an odd numberSubtracting an odd number from an even number will always result in an odd number.