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15 kilometers without any direction given is,

a scalar quantity.

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Q: Is 15 killamater a vector magnitude?
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What is the magnitude of the vector 15 ft s down?

The magnitude of the vector is simply the length of the vector, which is 15 ft. The direction given as "down" does not affect the magnitude, only the direction.

What is a unit vector?

It is a vector whose magnitude is 1.It is a vector whose magnitude is 1.It is a vector whose magnitude is 1.It is a vector whose magnitude is 1.

What is a vector magnitude?

A vector magnitude is the number that is associated to the length of the vector.

What is the magnitude of a vector 3V?

3 times the magnitude of the vector V - which is not known.3 times the magnitude of the vector V - which is not known.3 times the magnitude of the vector V - which is not known.3 times the magnitude of the vector V - which is not known.

A vector is a quantity with magnitude and ___?

A vector is described by magnitude and direction (a scalar has only magnitude).

What is a vector of magnitude?

Nothing. A magnitude is part of a vector. For example, for the vector "10 metres due East", 10 metres is the magnitude of the vector and East is the direction of the vector.

Can the magnitude of a vector has negative value?

No, the magnitude of a vector is always a positive value or zero. It represents the length of the vector and is a scalar quantity. Negative values are not associated with the magnitude of a vector.

Can a vector have a component greater than the vector's magnitude?

No, a vector's component cannot be greater than the vector's magnitude. The magnitude represents the maximum possible magnitude of a component in any direction.

The magnitude of a vector represents its?

That depends on what the vector, itself, represents. For example, if the vector represents velocity, then the magnitude of the vector represents speed. If the vector represents displacement, then the magnitude of the vector represents distance.

Can a vector have a component greater than the magnitude of the vector?

No, a vector component is a projection of the vector onto a specific direction. It cannot have a magnitude greater than the magnitude of the vector itself.

Vector component greater than the vectors magnitude?

A vector component can never be greater than the vector's magnitude. The magnitude of a vector is the length of the vector and is always greater than or equal to any of its individual components.

Can a vector have a component greater than the magnitude of vector?

no a vector cannot have a component greater than the magnitude of vector