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Q: Is 17 working hours in 24 hours an excessive long workday around dangerous machinery with only 7 hours off time per day?
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Is 17 working hours in 24 hours an excessive long workday around dangerous machinery with only 7 hours off time per 24 hour day?

Yes. It is an excessive long workday around dangerous machinery etc.

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working day, workday

Why was the industrial revolution seen as both a blessing and a curse?

It was seen as a curse for the working class because of the working conditions. (they had lots of fires with no way out, toxins, little kids working dangerous machinery, etc) and it was a blessing because it sparked a growth in Europe along with a growth in power.

A company was using untrained laborers to operate dangerous machinery. What issue would be at stake between labor and management?

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stongly disagree

Why was this process dangerous?

This process was dangerous because it involved working with hazardous chemicals or materials, operating heavy machinery, or working at heights without proper safety equipment. Lack of training, negligence, or improper safety protocols could lead to accidents, injuries, or even fatalities.

Who made the 9am-5pm workday?

The concept of a 9am-5pm workday was popularized during the industrial revolution in the 19th century. It was championed by labor unions to establish a standard working schedule and to avoid exploitation of workers by limiting their hours of work.

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State passed limiting the slave workday?

In 1840, the state of New Hampshire passed a law that limited the workday for enslaved individuals to 10 hours. This was one of the earliest legislative efforts in the United States to regulate the working conditions of enslaved people.

What conditions led to rise of labor unions?

Labor unions grew because workers needed someone to represent them. Workers were tired of poor and sometimes dangerous working conditions, low wages, and unreasonably long hours.

How did socialists respond to new and harsh working conditions?

Socialists responded to new and harsh working conditions by pushing for laws that would regulate them. They sought a minimum wage and an eight-hour workday.