A fraction in its simplest form has no more common factors. In this case, 231 and 798 both have a digit sum that can divide by 3, and so we know they both have 3 as a factor. That means that 231/798 is not yet in its simplest form. Dividing top and bottom by 3 gives 77/266 which is simpler.
To simplify a fraction like this you need to identify any common factors between top and bottom. In this case, both are even, so we can divide by 2. Doing this gives 462/1596. These are still both even, so we can divide by 2 again, giving 231/798. Both of these have a digit sum that can divide by 3, so we can divide top and bottom by 3. Doing this gives 77/266. Both top and bottom can divide by 7. Doing this gives 11/38. There are no more common factors, and so we've reached the fraction's simplest form.
-798 is the ratio of -798 and 1. That's rational.
30.7% of 798 is 245% rate:= 245/798 * 100%= 0.307 * 100%= 30.7%
To simplify a fraction like this you need to identify any common factors between top and bottom. In this case, both are even, so we can divide by 2. Doing this gives 462/1596. These are still both even, so we can divide by 2 again, giving 231/798. Both of these have a digit sum that can divide by 3, so we can divide top and bottom by 3. Doing this gives 77/266. Both top and bottom can divide by 7. Doing this gives 11/38. There are no more common factors, and so we've reached the fraction's simplest form.
-798 is the ratio of -798 and 1. That's rational.
30.7% of 798 is 245% rate:= 245/798 * 100%= 0.307 * 100%= 30.7%
6312 - 798 = 5514
7.98% = 798/10000 = 399/50007.98% = 798/10000 = 399/50007.98% = 798/10000 = 399/50007.98% = 798/10000 = 399/5000
It is: 798/2 = 399
48 / 798 = 0.06015
2 divide 798 = 0.002506265664160401