28 is a perfect number.
perfect square numbers are 16 and 25
How about 150*6 = 900 which is a perfect square because 30*30 = 900
496, 8128, 33550336, 8589869056, 137438691328, 2305843008139952128
28 is a perfect number.
The two perfect numbers between 1 and 30 are: 6, 28
The number is 28.
perfect square numbers are 16 and 25
How about 150*6 = 900 which is a perfect square because 30*30 = 900
It is 28 I did that at school in year 6
int i; for (i=2; i<=30; i+=2) printf ("%d\n", i);
A perfect number is a whole number such that when you add up all of the factors less than that number, you get that number.There are only two perfect numbers less than 30. The first one is 6 since 1+2+3-6 next we see that 1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 14=28 so 28 is the only other perfect number below 30.Euclid proved that 2p−1(2p−1) is an even perfect number whenever 2p−1 is prime.This works for 6 and 28 where p is a prime and is 2 and 3 respectively. Using this formula for p=5, the next perfect number is 24(25−1) = 496The next one is p = 7 where we have 26(27−1) = 8128.The next perfect number is 33550336 we get this with the prime 13.
There are no perfect numbers between 20 and 30. Perfect numbers are numbers that are equal to the sum of their proper divisors, excluding the number itself. The perfect numbers within this range would be 28, but that is incorrect as 28 is not a perfect number.
No, only perfect squares like 25 and 36, which are around 30, have a square root that is a rational number.
25 is a perfect square occurring between 20 and 30.