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Q: Is 30 abundant deficient or a perfect number?
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What are the Math terms abundant perfect and deficient?

They refer to the sum of a number's proper divisors, defined here as all of the factors except the number itself.a perfect number equals the sum of its proper divisorsa deficient number is greater than the sum of its proper divisorsan abundant number is less than the sum of its proper divisors

Is there a perfect number between 20 and 30?

28 is a perfect number.

What are the perfect numbers between 1 and 30?

The two perfect numbers between 1 and 30 are: 6, 28

How do you find the perfect number between 20 and 30?

The number is 28.

Is 30 a perfect number?

No. The only perfect numbers below 100 are 6 and 28.

What is the perfect number between 10 and 30?

perfect square numbers are 16 and 25

What is the smallest positive whole number that 150 can be multiplied by to make a perfect square.?

How about 150*6 = 900 which is a perfect square because 30*30 = 900

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A perfect number between 20-30?

It is 28 I did that at school in year 6

How do you write a C program to Print 1st 30 Perfect numbers starting from 0?

int i; for (i=2; i<=30; i+=2) printf ("%d\n", i);

How common is goitre?

30-70% of the 2.2 million people who are iodine deficient, have goiter.

Perfect numbers between 20 and 30?

There are no perfect numbers between 20 and 30. Perfect numbers are numbers that are equal to the sum of their proper divisors, excluding the number itself. The perfect numbers within this range would be 28, but that is incorrect as 28 is not a perfect number.