Yes, 887 is a prime number. Recall that if a number is not prime then there exists a prime less than the square root of the number and this prime divides the number. So we need to check if the primes less than 30 divides 887 or not. These primes are 2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29.
60 is neither a square number nor a prime number.
No but it can be a square number because 1*1 = 1
An oxymoron. Prime numbers can't be square. Square numbers can't be prime. You can square a prime number: 3 x 3 - 32 = 9
A square number, by definition, cannot be a prime so the answer is there are no such numbers.A square number, by definition, cannot be a prime so the answer is there are no such numbers.A square number, by definition, cannot be a prime so the answer is there are no such numbers.A square number, by definition, cannot be a prime so the answer is there are no such numbers.
No square number can be a prime number and conversely.
113 is prime, not square.
210 is neither a prime number or a square number.
Yes, 887 is a prime number. Recall that if a number is not prime then there exists a prime less than the square root of the number and this prime divides the number. So we need to check if the primes less than 30 divides 887 or not. These primes are 2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29.
60 is neither a square number nor a prime number.
No but it can be a square number because 1*1 = 1
An oxymoron. Prime numbers can't be square. Square numbers can't be prime. You can square a prime number: 3 x 3 - 32 = 9
A square number, by definition, cannot be a prime so the answer is there are no such numbers.A square number, by definition, cannot be a prime so the answer is there are no such numbers.A square number, by definition, cannot be a prime so the answer is there are no such numbers.A square number, by definition, cannot be a prime so the answer is there are no such numbers.
You only need to test numbers up to the last prime number equal to or less than the square root of a number when testing whether it is prime. The square root of 854 is between 29 and 30, so you would test up to the prime number 29.
a prime square
The first prime number after 30 is 31
1 is not considered a prime number; 1 is a perfect square.