32 is an odd number.
Odd numbers end with 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9.
Even numbers end with 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8.
31 is odd.
No, I don't think so. 31 is an odd number.
Nope 31 and 41 are odd numbers.
It is the twelfth month of the year and in that context is even. It has 31 days: in that context it is odd.
There is no set of three consecutive odd or even integers whose sum is negative 31.
31 is odd.
No, I don't think so. 31 is an odd number.
Nope 31 and 41 are odd numbers.
It is the twelfth month of the year and in that context is even. It has 31 days: in that context it is odd.
There is no set of three consecutive odd or even integers whose sum is negative 31.
It is an odd number, If you are going to answer these type of questions in the future, you just find the ones place, if the ones have the number 1,3,5,7 or 9 in them it is odd, and if the ones have the numbers 2,4,6 or 8 in them it is even. Hope I helped :)
by their nature the days of the week by name are neither even or odd. The numerical day of the month a day falls on can be either even or odd. Note that a month with 31 days will have an odd day at the end of month followed immediately by another odd day. This never happens for even days.
31 Days. The first 5 odd months, and the last 3 even months, have 31 days.
Odd. Even + Even = Even Odd + Odd = Even Odd + Even = Even + Odd = Odd
odd * odd = odd answer even * even = even answer odd * even = even answer
even times even = even odd times even = even odd times odd = odd