No, the prime factorization of 54 is: 2 x 3 x 3 x 3
The next number up from 621 that contains all 3's in it is 3333. To figure out what whole number you need to add to 621 to get to 3333 just subtract the two. 3333 - 621 = 2712 Therefore, 2712 is the small whole number that you can add to 621 and get an answer that contains all 3's.
3 & 333/1000
3333 written as a fraction is 3333/1 if you mean 3333 as a whole number. If you actually meant 0.3333, then the fraction is 3333/10,000.
One possible expression is 3333/10000.
No, the prime factorization of 54 is: 2 x 3 x 3 x 3
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No. 2 mi is a measure of distance whereas 3333 is a pure, dimensionless number. As a pure number it is an abstract concept and has no physical size.