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Depends on your age. 12, normal range, 20, not so much. If adult, it is smaller than average, but still big enough to do everything required of it.

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Q: Is 3 inches small
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Is 3 inches bigger than 3 yards?

No, 3 inches is small and three yards is sooo much bigger!

How big around and long is your small intestine?

Small intestine about 7'/2 inches to 2 inches. Large intestine is about 3 or 4 inches.

How small is a normal hamster?

3 to 5 inches

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About how big around and long is your small intestine?

Small intestine about 7'/2 inches to 2 inches. Large intestine is about 3 or 4 inches.

How big is a fully grow guppy?

Some are as small as 3/4 an inch and some are about 3 inches. Most average about 1-2 inches when full grown.

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It is a small bed. Probably 3"6'.

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They are smaller than 3 inches tall when first born.

How many inches are in 3 tons?

There is NO connection whatever between inches and tons.-Inches are small units of length and tons are large units of weight.

What is a small white rodent with black eyes about 3 inches long and .75 inches in diameter?

A lemming is a rodent 2.8 to 5.9 inches long, so lemming is a probable answer.

How big do mole crabs get?

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How do you convert a small unit into a large unit?

You divide by the number of small units that are in the large unit. For example, you know that there are 12 inches in a foot. So if you want to convert inches into feet, divided the number of inches by 12. For example, 24 inches = 2 feet, 36 inches = 3 feet 42 inches = 3.5 feet.