9/10 is more than 7/10 For fractions having the same denominator, the one with the larger numerator will be greater.
ten over seventeen
-17/10 = -1.7
100 is ten times greater than 10
7 Over 8 is greater by 7.5 percent.
9/14 = 0.64 10/17 = 0.59 So 9/14 is greater.
9/10 is more than 7/10 For fractions having the same denominator, the one with the larger numerator will be greater.
ten over seventeen
It is: 9/10
no. 6/10=600/1000 so 6/10 is greater than 505/1000
-17/10 = -1.7
No, it is not.
Greater than: > Lesser than: < Example: 10 > 2 (ten is greater than two), 2 < 10 (two is less than ten).
Yes, it is ten times greater than it.
100 is ten times greater than 10