No, 42 is a whole number and 0.42 is a decimal. 0.42 is not even bigger than 1. If you do not get this, just know this, 42 is also 42.0 and is bigger than 0.42.
41 - -42 is 83
97.6190476%. Or you can round it to 98% You do 41 divided by 42 to get you answer
42 is 68% bigger than 25.
no 41 inches is 5 inches bigger than 3 feet which is 36 inches = 1 yard
42 oz. is greater than 2lb.
No, 42 is a whole number and 0.42 is a decimal. 0.42 is not even bigger than 1. If you do not get this, just know this, 42 is also 42.0 and is bigger than 0.42.
68 - 41 = 27 millimetres. Therefore, 68 millimetres is bigger than 41 millimetres - by 27 millimetres.
No because 42 is bigger than 7!
41 is between the integers 40 and 42. This can be determined by understanding that integers are whole numbers without any decimal or fractional parts. In this case, 41 is one unit greater than 40 and one unit less than 42 on the number line.
41 + 1 = 42
41 - -42 is 83
42 over 41 in simplest form is 11/41