43 seconds is 43/60 of a minute.
No. 43 is prime.
multiply each denominator by the other like 22/35 and 43/60 22/35 * 60 and 43/60 * 35 = 1320/2100 + 1505/2100 = 2825/2100
60 - 17 = 43
60 x 43 = 2580
Grade 60 refers to the yield strength of steel reinforcement, indicating it can withstand 60,000 pounds per square inch of stress before deformation. On the other hand, 60 MPa specifies the material's compressive strength in megapascals, showing how much pressure it can resist before breaking. While Grade 60 is a measure of tensile strength, 60 MPa is a measure of compressive strength.
Wood is stronger under compression than tension due to its cellular structure. When wood is subjected to tension, it is prone to splitting along the grain. This makes wood more vulnerable to failure under tension compared to compression.
43 seconds is 43/60 of a minute.
60 ÷ 43 = 1 with remainder 17
To find the fraction of 1 hour that is 43 minutes, you need to convert 43 minutes to hours. Since there are 60 minutes in an hour, 43 minutes is equal to 43/60 hours. This simplifies to 0.7167 hours. Therefore, the fraction of 1 hour that is 43 minutes is 43/60 or approximately 0.7167.
Quite the contrary! Marijuana is much stronger today than it was in the 60's.
No. 43 is prime.
multiply each denominator by the other like 22/35 and 43/60 22/35 * 60 and 43/60 * 35 = 1320/2100 + 1505/2100 = 2825/2100
60 - 17 = 43