No - the nearest big number divisible by 3 is 600
- which is 20 more than 580
As 20 is not divisible by 3 then also 580 is not.
Yes, no, yes.
580/6 = 96.6 recurring (that is, 96.6666...)
The multiples of 116 (which are infinite) are all divisible by 116 , including these: 116, 232, 348, 464, 580, 696, 812, 928, 1044 . . .
The multiples of 145 (which are infinite) are all divisible by 145 , including these: 290, 435, 580, 725, 870, 1015, 1160, 1305, 1450 . . .
Yes, no, yes.
It will stay at 580, because it is divisible by 10.
580/6 = 96.6 recurring (that is, 96.6666...)
No, it's not. If you break the 580 into pieces... 560 is divisible by 8 (the answer is 70). This leaves 20 - which is not divisible exactly by 8.
145, 290, 435, 580.
No, it is divisible by 3.No, it is divisible by 3.No, it is divisible by 3.No, it is divisible by 3.
The multiples of 116 (which are infinite) are all divisible by 116 , including these: 116, 232, 348, 464, 580, 696, 812, 928, 1044 . . .
The multiples of 145 (which are infinite) are all divisible by 145 , including these: 290, 435, 580, 725, 870, 1015, 1160, 1305, 1450 . . .
It is divisible by 3, for example.It is divisible by 3, for example.It is divisible by 3, for example.It is divisible by 3, for example.