If you convert the fractions to the same denominator, 3/4 becomes 6/8, which is greater that 5/8.
3 over 4 is 0.75 which is bigger than 0.3333333333333333333333333333333....
1/4 is 162/3% less than 3/10 .
Yes. The 3 in 3/4 is bigger than the 4 in 4/5, because the three holds more percent.
No, it is not.
Yes, 3 over 4 equals 0.75 and 3 over 8 equals 0.375.
The 1 Mil is equivalent to 0.001 inch. The higher the mil the thicker that product would be. So, 4 mil is thicker than 3 mil.
Blood is slightly thicker than water due to the presence of cells, proteins, and other components. The viscosity of blood is about four to five times greater than water.
6 mil is thicker than 4 mil.
There are infinite numbers like this but 3 over 5, 3 over 6 and 3 over 7 are smaller than 3 over 4 and bigger than 3 over 8.
-2 over 3 is less than 4/3.
4/5 = 0.8 3/4 = 0.75 Yes, 4/5 greater than 3/4.
3 over 7 is less than 4 over 9
Yes. 7/9=0.7777777... and 3/4=0.75Therefore, 7 over 9 is bigger than 3 over 4.
6 mils is 50% thicker than 4 mils.
1/8 is smaller than 3/4.
3 over 4 is 0.75 which is bigger than 0.3333333333333333333333333333333....