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No. 12 months is a year in prison.

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Q: Is 6 months a year in prison?
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What are the punishments in Washington?

$1,000 dollar fine and 6 months in prison. AND 6 months in prison. Not OR 6 months in prison. $1,000 dollar fine and 6 months in prison. AND 6 months in prison. Not OR 6 months in prison.

How many months is a prison year?

12 months are in a state prison year.

What is 85 percent of 30 year prison time?

25 years 6 months.

In an Iowa state prison 5 year sentence how much do you serve?

6 to 9 months

How many months in federal prison makes a year?

Although it may feel longer.... 12 months in prison would be a year.

What is Minimum security prison?

14 months or 1 year and 2 months

What are likely consequences for embezzlement of 5000 in Washington state?

Probably something like 6 months to a year in a minimum security prison.

How many months are in half of a year?

Six (6) months.There are 6 months, which equals 182.621 days.

How many months equal a year in Ohio prison?


How many months are there in 1 year and 6 months?

There are 12 months in a year and 6 months in half a year. Therefore, in 1 year and 6 months, there are a total of 18 months. This can be calculated by adding the 12 months in a year to the 6 months in half a year.

How many months do you serve for 3 year prison sentence?

You serve 36 months = 1095

How many years was Michael Vick in jail?

23 months Vick only served 18 of his 23 month sentence.