7 and 9 are divisors of 63.
Yes 9 is a divisor because you can take 27 and divide it by 9 to get an answer of 3.
7 and 9 are factors and divisors of 63 63 is a multiple and a product of 7 and 9 63 is divisible by 7 and 9
7 x 9 = 63 7 is a FACTOR of 63 9 is a FACTOR of 63 7 and 9 are even DIVISORS of 63 63 is a MULTIPLE of 7 and 9 63 is a PRODUCT of 7 and 9 63 is evenly DIVISIBLE by 7 or 9
7 and 9 are divisors of 63.
If the divisor is 7, the quotient is 9, and the remainder is 6, then the dividend must be 69.
With the divisor (the number you are dividing by) as 9, there are 9 possible remainders: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8.
To find the number, multiply the divisor and quotient, then add the remainder. 9 (divisor) times 6 is 54. 54 plus 7 is 61. The number is 61.
7/16 divided by 9/10 = 7/16 x 10/9 = 70/144 You invert the divisor fraction, then do a multiplication instead of division.
7 and 9 are factors and divisors of 63. 63 is a multiple and product of 7 and 9. 63 is divisible by 7 and 9.
Yes 9 is a divisor because you can take 27 and divide it by 9 to get an answer of 3.
In this division problem, 42 is the dividend, 6 is the divisor, and 7 is the quotient. The divisor is the number by which the dividend is divided to obtain the quotient. So, in this case, the divisor is 6.
As a product of its prime factors: 3*3*7 = 63
No, but these are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 18, 36.