A 2 digit number divided by a four digit number, such as 2345, will leave the whole 2-digit number as a remainder. It cannot leave a remainder of 1.
1523 divided by what? Please provide the divisor in order for me to give you an accurate answer.
36000 is one such.
A dividend is is a number to be divided and a divisor is a number to be divided into a dividend. Here the dividend is a three digit number and is divided by a one digit divisor. The quotient or result is a two digit number as stated. So in math terms, we can state that the dividend is a three digit number and that the divisor is a one digit number.
There is more than one answer to your question. One answer is a divisor of 99 and a dividend of 30492. A divisor of 33 and a dividend of 10164 would do as well. In fact you can use any number between 33 and 99 as the divisor if you adjust the dividend accordingly.
9091. It's a play on their song "One After 909".
In any division sum, for example, 12 / 4 = 3, the divisor is the second number - the one that the number is divided by.
an exact divisor of a number is one that leaves no remainder (a remainder of zero)--example: 27 divided by 3 is 9 but 27 divided bt 4 is 6 remainder 3 so 4 is not an exact divisor of 27 but 3 is
Division tells you how many times you need to subtract the divisor from the dividend to get 0 - the division is "dividend divided by divisor" and is written mathematically as:dividend ÷ divisorThe division can also be expressed as "divisor divided into dividend" which is written like a bus shelter:...........-----------divisor | dividendIn 8 divided by 0, 8 is the dividend and 0 is the divisor, but no matter how many times you subtract 0 from 8, you will never get to 0. 8 ÷ 0 has no answer (can be thought of as impossible, though it is often thought of as having the answer infinite).In 0 divided by 8, 0 is the dividend and 8 is the divisor, but as the dividend is already 0, you do not need to subtract the divisor at all. 8 ÷ 0 = 0.The difference is one has no answer/is impossible/is infinite and the other is 0.
A 2 digit number divided by a four digit number, such as 2345, will leave the whole 2-digit number as a remainder. It cannot leave a remainder of 1.
1523 divided by what? Please provide the divisor in order for me to give you an accurate answer.
Every 2 digit number, when divided by the number one less than it, will result in a remainder of 1.