144 iq
Average IQ is between 80 and 120. If you achieved a score of 131, you have above average intelligence - which is good whether you are 17 or 71.
under 80
An IQ score of 97 is just below average.
144 iq
Average IQ is between 80 and 120. If you achieved a score of 131, you have above average intelligence - which is good whether you are 17 or 71.
under 80
An IQ score of 122 is an above average IQ score. It is, thus, a good score.
The average IQ is 100. 135 is an Excellent IQ score
It means that your IQ score is 20 points below the average, the same amount as a person with an IQ of 120 would be above the average.
An IQ score of 97 is just below average.
Yes, a score of 111 is a good IQ score for a 12 year old.
The average score on an IQ test is about 100. If you score higher than that, your score will be above average.
The average score on an IQ test is about 100. If you score higher than that, your score will be above average.