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A point is denoted by a dot but may be labelled by any symbol.

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Q: Is A point is denoted by a dot and labeled by a capital letter.?
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A point is denoted by a dot and labeled by a capital letter?

A point is denoted by a dot but may be labelled by any symbol.

Has no dimension represented by a dot labeled with one capital letter?

A point.

What is named by a lowercase letter?

Is a point is named by a lowercase letter? I don't think so. A point is labeled by capital letters.

What capital letter resembles a point in geometry?

Any letter - in any language.

How do you name a point line and plane?

Any way you like. A point is generally denoted by an upper case Roman letter. A line is denoted by a lower case Roman letter or by the two letters representing its end points. A plane is usually "named" using its equation. However, these are only conventions. As long as you describe what you have done, you can name them any way you like.

What does the point represent?

the point is represent location , it has no dimension and it is named using capital letter\s .

When can An angle be named with one capital letter?

An angle can be named with one capital letter when the point represented by the letter is at the vertex (the endpoint of the two rays, lines, etc.)

Is there a name for the point where all three lines of the capital letter Y meet?

Yes, it is called the "Nezer Point".

What does a capital letter refer to?

In science, an element symbol. In math, a line, or an angle, or a point.

Where do the x axis and y axis intersect?

At the point of the origin which is at (0, 0)

What are the coordinates of the point labeled A?

(7, -2)

What is the name of the point of intersection of the two axis is called?
