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Q: Is A polyhedron is a two dimensional solid bounded by the polygon all regions find by intersecting planes?
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A polyhedron is a two-dimensional figure bounded by polygons?

A polyhedron is a three-dimensional figure formed by flat surfaces that are bounded by polygons joining along their sides (the faces of the polyhedron).A circle is not a polygon, but we can say that a circle is the limit of a regular polygon with n sides. It means that if n becomes larger and larger, the polygon shape approaches to a circle. A circle is a two dimensional figure as a polygon is, but a three dimensional figure whose base(s) is/are a circle cannot be called a polyhedron.

What does a polygon and a polyhedron have in common?

Both are basic geometric figures. A polygon is a 2-dimensional area enclosed by straight lines. A polyhedron is an analogous figure in 3-dimensional space, but they do not have all that much in common.A polyhedron is bounded by polygons, not straight lines.

Any polyhedron can be the base of a pyramid.?

No. A polyhedron is a three dimensional body. The base of a pyramid is a two dimensional figure.But any non self-intersecting polygon can be the base of a pyramid.

What is solid that bounded by polygon?

A solid cannot be bounded by one polygon. A solid bounded by polygons is called a polyhedron.

Is A Polygon An Polyhedron?

Nope - A polygon is a flat, 2-dimensional shape. A Polyhedron is a 3-dimensional shape.

Can a polygon be a solid?

No. A polygon is a plane area bounded by straight lines. The key term in this context is "plane". It is, therefore, 2 -dimensional shape. A solid, which is bounded by faces that are polygons, is called a polyhedron (plural = polyhedra).

What are the shapes in a polygon?

a polygon(or polyhedron) is a three dimensional figure that has straight edges. * * * * * A polygon is 2 dimensional, a polyhedron is 3-d.

Why are some 3-dimensional shapes not polyhedrons?

Each face of a polyhedron must be a polygon: a flat surface bounded by straight lines. So, if any of the faces is curved, the shape is not a polyhedron.

Is a polygon 3 dimensional?

No. A polygon is a 2-dimensional figure. A polyhedron is 3-dimensional.

What is a solid that is bounded by polygons which are called faces?

It's a polyhedron. A polyhedron (plural: polyhedra) is a three - dimensional figure made up of sides called faces, each face being a polygon.

Why is a cone not called a polyhedron?

A polyhedron is a solid object bounded by polygons. Polygons are plane shapes [bounded by straight lines]. The curved surface of a cone is not a polygon and so the cone is not bounded by polygons and therefore, a cone is not a polyhedron.

What is a shape with six equal sides?

A hexagon is a polygon having six sides. A regular hexagon is a hexagon where all its sides are of equal length.A hexahedron is a polyhedron, that has six faces. A regular hexahedron, move commonly known as a cube, is a hexaherdron with congruent square faces.Note: A polygon is a 2 dimensional shape bounded by strait lines.A polyhedron is a 3 dimensional shape bounded by strait lines.