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The answer depends on the value of C, which is unknown.

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Q: Is C a prime or composite or square number?
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When you multiply a prime and a composite number do you always get a composite number?

Product of a prime number and a composite number results in a composite number.Now consider the product of a composite number(a) and a prime number(b) is equal to c.i.e. c = a x bIt is clear that c is divisible by both a and b.Also c is divisible by itself and 1, this means that c has more than two factors.A number having more than two factors is composite, therefore product of a prime number and a composite number results in a composite number.

Is 61 96 3 75 142 113 a prime or composite number?

3, 61 and 113 are prime; the rest composite.

Is two the first prime number?

yes b/c 1 is neither prime or composite

What composite number can be expressed as product of its factors?

None.A composite number c must have a prime factor psuch that 1 < p < c.Therefore the product of c's factors must be at least p*c which must be greater than c.

What number has only 6 prime numbers?

Any number of the form n = a*b*c*d*e*f where a, b, c, d, e and f are different prime numbers. n has 26 = 64 factors in total, of which 1 is the number 1 (neither prime nor composite), 6 are prime, and the remaining 57 are composite.

What is the composite number bigger than C?

C+1 if C is not composite, and C+2 if C is a composite.

If a number has an odd number of factors is it a perfect square?

If you mean 'prime' factors, then an odd number of them CAN'T produce a perfect square. Consider 3 factors ... A, B, and C. If their product were a perfect square, then AxB=C, which can't be true if C is a prime number. For non-prime factors, an odd number of them may or may not be a perfect square: Three factors = not a square: 2 x 3 x 5 = 30. Three factors = a square: 2 x 3 x 6 = 36.

Is 10ac a prime or composite?

Assuming that a and c are both integers, 10ac must be composite because it is equal to 2*5*a*c.

What is the Program for composite and prime numbers in c?

#include&lt;iostream.h&gt; #include&lt;conio.h&gt; int main() { int i,n; clrscr(); cout&lt;&lt;"PROGRAM TO CHECK IF THE NUMBER IS PRIME OR NOT:"&lt;&lt;endl; cout&lt;&lt;"Enter a number:"; cin&gt;&gt;n; for(int i=2;i&lt;n;i++) { if(n%i==0) cout&lt;&lt;"\nTHE NUMBER IS COMPOSITE"&lt;&lt;endl; else cout&lt;&lt;"\nTHE NUMBER IS PRIME"&lt;&lt;endl; } return 0; }

What is the letter that represent the composite number?

The letter that represent the composite number is letter C.

Is 588 prime composite or neither?

It's even. All even numbers (except for 2) are composite.

Which statement is true a.twenty-nine is a composite number b.thirty-one is a composite number c.fifty-one is a composite number d.fifty-one is a composite number?

Your options C and D are the same, but it is true that 51 is a composite number.