Does anyone else think EMT stands for Epic Meal Time? Oh, and I'm guessing 9.
If you're asking if it's extremely important to be skilled in algebra, no. However, I doubt any place would accept someone who failed or didn't take any algebra classes.
One is too many, and I am being serious, been a Firefighter/EMT for 30 plus years, many of us get into situations that are often overlooked as a whole picture. Safety first..
All conduit shall not have more than 360 degrees for it's length between either a box, cabinet, or conduit body. Couplings count as a continuation of conduit.
EMT is electrical metallic tubing. In the electrical trade there are nominal sizes expressed as a standard size. To answer your question you must state the conduit size in either electrical terms or in standard size terms to get a conversion size.For example standard size 1/2" EMT has an actual diameter size of 3/4" and the 1/2"EMT connector for the 1/2" EMT conduit needs a 7/8" hole.Likewise with 3/4" EMT the actual outside diameter is 15/16" and the 3/4" EMT connector needs a 1-1/8" hole.
Depends on which state you are in. Michigan has several levels. An EMT with advanced airway and IV skills is called a Specialist. An EMT with advanced airway, IV, cardiology and pharmocology is called a Paramedic.
To strip electrical wires and to twist mutliple wires together.
Transfer of care
It depends from state to state, but most requires you to work a full year as an EMT Basic before you can become an EMT Paramedic. You need to take the EMT Paramedic training and certification.
To find a job on emt, you should go to this site It will be easier for you if you already have an EMT certification and you can have a good work.
EMT training courses prepare an individal to pass EMT accreditation exams in order to work as an EMT Basic or EMT Paramedic. Both provide emergency medical care to the injured or ill in a number of settings.
cfr - first responder emt b - basic emt cc - critical care emt p - paramedic
EMT, or Emergency Medical Technician, is the blanket term. There are several levels of EMTs. The nationally accepted levels are as follows: EMT-Basic, EMT-Intermediate (85), EMT-Basic Advanced, EMT-Intermediate (99), EMT-Paramedic. You often hear about "Paramedics" as though everyone on an ambulance is a Paramedic, but in reality, EMT-Bs are the most common responders. EMT's will respond out of a station or a fire department, and they typically cover a much smaller area. EMT-Paramedics might respond to more rural areas from farther away, depending on the local and financial availability of Paramedics within an area.
disadvantage? In reference to...? EMT is basic life support. Paramedic is advanced life support. Without the equipment, the paramedic is no better than an EMT. As a matter of fact, a doctor without is no better than an EMT either. EMT is good training to have when all else is gone, no hospital, no equipment, EMT training is vital.
They're called "Healthcare Specialist" now, with the reorganisation which took place from 2002 - 2004. Previously, Combat Medics did not even possess a basic EMT licence. Now, as "Healthcare Specialists", they do, and better opportunities are provided to them to upgrade to EMT-I or EMT-P. Good stuff.
EMT job pays $38,000