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Q: What type of stress reaction occurs when an EMT is exposed to many insignificant stressors over a period of several months or years?
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Exposure to environmental factors like radiation or certain chemicals is more likely to cause gene mutations in squirrels. These mutations can occur randomly during cell division or as a response to external stressors, potentially impacting the squirrel's genetic makeup.

What reaction time involves selecting a specific and correct response from several choices when presented with several different stimuli?

Choice reaction time.

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Which reaction time involves selecting a specific and correct response from several choices when presented with several different stimuli?

Choice reaction time involves selecting a specific and correct response from several choices when presented with several different stimuli. This type of reaction time is common in situations where a person must make a decision based on multiple stimuli or cues.

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Because there is a radiation leak. Residents living near Tokaimura, Japan, were reminded of the potential hazards of nuclear energy when an inexperienced worker at the Tokai uranium processing plant caused an uncontrolled nuclear chain reaction. Several workers were exposed to extremely high levels of radiation, and emergency crews were exposed to higher-than-normal levels of radiation. Anxious residents nearby were urged to remain indoors while crews worked to contain the reaction.

What type of reaction time involves selecting a specific and correct response from several choices when presented with several different stimuli?

Choice reaction time involves selecting a specific and correct response from several choices when presented with different stimuli. This type of reaction time assesses cognitive processing, decision-making, and response selection.

What is it called when your throat closes up?

Constricted throat? ____________________ Sometimes your throat will close up because of a mild irritant in the air. A more severe reaction is called anaphylaxis, and it happens when exposed to an allergen (a substance you are allergic to). Anaphylaxis can cause several symptoms including rashes, and it can cause constriction of the throat. Anaphylaxis can be a serious and even life-threatening reaction. The link lists some of the more common things that some people are allergic to. Some people have a constriction reaction to chocolate and other products containing caffeine.

What is an ammoxidation?

An ammoxidation is the reaction of ammonia and oxygen with any of several classes of organic compound.

What is the reaction progress curve look like for a complex reaction?

For a complex reaction, the reaction progress curve may show multiple steps or intermediate products, resulting in a curve with several peaks and plateaus. The curve may not follow a simple linear path from reactants to products, but rather exhibit multiple stages of reactant consumption and product formation. The overall reaction progress curve may be more convoluted and less straightforward compared to a simple reaction.

What nuclear reaction responsible for release of energy by the sun?

It's nuclear fusion. There are several steps, but the overall reaction converts hydrogen into helium, with the release of energy.

What gas in the air is a chemical reaction?

Uncorrect question ! A gas is a chemical compound. A chemical reaction is a process of chemical interaction between several substances (compounds).