Yes and no. Hindus pray to many gods but usually there is a supreme God (with a capital G) who is the ultimate power in the universe.
Yes and No, Hinduism is defined as "soft polytheistic" which means that there are many Gods/Goddesses that are all one part or form of a single entity . There are 330 million forms of deities that are considered to be the manifestation of Brahman or Atman. S It is also described as "henotheistic" meaning they worship one God but accept the existence of others and "monotheistic" because they believe all the gods and goddesses to be attributes of the one God. Not to confuse you, but Hindus can be classified further into Smartas, Shaivites and Vaishnavites. Smartas believe they can choose any deity for worship, Vaishnavites consider Vishnu as the ultimate God and Shaivites see Shiva as the ultimate God.
Buddhism believes in no god in particular, Hinduism believes in many. Hinduism believes that you are reincarnated (reborn) many times. Buddhism believes in reincarnation only until you reach nirvana (perfect peace). And Lastly, Hinduism uses the caste system, a social ranking of importance, while Buddhists believe that the caste system is unfair.
about 950 million followers
yes Hinduism was monotheistic, and it has always been and always will be. The core of Hinduism suggests that all beings are created from Lord Brahma himself. Thus Hinduism is monotheistic.
it is Monotheistic.
it can be henotheistic,polytheistic and monotheistic
Hinduism is a monotheistic religion even though there is many deities the deities are forms of one supreme being called Brahman
Judaism is monotheistic, while Hinduism is polytheistic.
no. Hinduism is polytheistic, Christianity is monotheistic.
Monotheistic People confuse the many Gods and deities in Hinduism with polytheism. But Hinduism is primarily monotheistic. The many Gods are considered different expressions or manifestations of the one supreme Paramatma (Ultimate spirit), which by itself is formless.
Krishna is a central figure in Hinduism, and is considered in some monotheistic traditions as an avatar of Vishnu.
Hinduism is originally monotheistic, it Believes in one true god. it also has many gods due to the reason that the one true god took many Incarnation (avatāra) to sustain life.
The most important difference is that Hinduism is polytheistic.
No. Mono means one. If a religion is monotheistic, the followers believe in only one God. In Hinduism, there are many Gods and Goddesses.