M = a thousand dollars MM = a million dollars (a thousand thousands)
km is the abbreviation for kilometer. Kilo means one thousand. So, 3 km is equal to 3,000 meters.
One thousand....M is Roman numeral for one thousand, and obviously, you have one "M".
1.50 m.
In Roman Numerals one thousand is written as M.
mil. MM is an abbreviation that may represent one million. M typically represents one thousand, so "MM" literally conveys "a thousand thousand". mil.
"k" for kilo is a common abbreviation for thousands "M" is the Roman numeral for one thousand (MM for two, MMM for three, M then V with a line over it for four, V with a line over it for five, etc..) "k" for kilo is a common abbreviation for thousands "M" is the Roman numeral for one thousand (MM for two, MMM for three, M then V with a line over it for four, V with a line over it for five, etc..)
The correct abbreviation for miles is m. For example, 43 mHope this helps!
I'm not sure but i do not believe m is an abbreviation for thousand. But i do know it stands for meter which will probably not help if you're trying to figure out number abbreviation's. But I'm tyring to inform you it stands for meter.
Yes, although technically it is a Roman Numeral meaning 1000, not an abbreviation.
M = a thousand dollars MM = a million dollars (a thousand thousands)
Are you talking about measurements? Kilo Or Roman Numerals? M Specify your question.
km is the abbreviation for kilometer. Kilo means one thousand. So, 3 km is equal to 3,000 meters.
The correct abbreviation for miles is m. For example, 43 mHope this helps!
One thousand....M is Roman numeral for one thousand, and obviously, you have one "M".
Million. M means thousand. They're Roman numbers.