M = a thousand dollars
MM = a million dollars (a thousand thousands)
$3.5 MM
The "mm" is the abbreviation for millimeters. So "12 mm" stands for "12 millimeters"
MM in Milan ( Italy ) means Metropolitana Milanese ( Milan Underground )
The abbreviation "mm" can have many meanings. Perhaps the most commonly used meaning for this abbreviation is "millimeter."
$3.5 MM
The "mm" is the abbreviation for millimeters. So "12 mm" stands for "12 millimeters"
MM in Milan ( Italy ) means Metropolitana Milanese ( Milan Underground )
The abbreviation is mm. Answered by: Emilio Aranda_EL Paso, Tx (Emilioa)
That is ' mm'
The abbreviation "mm" can have many meanings. Perhaps the most commonly used meaning for this abbreviation is "millimeter."
MM is an abbreviation for million.
mm is the abbreviation for a millmetre/millimeter.