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R is drawn first because it's fast acting

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Q: Is Novolin R or Novolin N drawn first?
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What are the names of regular insulin?

There are several different names for regular insulin, depending on the maker. The one constant is that all of them contain the letter "R" for "regular," in their name. For instance, one maker of insulin called all their insulins Novolin. The "regular" insulin is "Novolin R," their NPH is called "Novolin N," etc.

What is the formula for a geometric sequence?

a+a*r+a*r^2+...+a*r^n a = first number r = ratio n = "number of terms"-1

What is the difference between a permutation and combination?

n p =n!/(n-r)! r and n c =n!/r!(n-r)! r

Why is it said that poisson distribution is a limiting case of binomial distribution?

This browser is totally bloody useless for mathematical display but...The probability function of the binomial distribution is P(X = r) = (nCr)*p^r*(1-p)^(n-r) where nCr =n!/[r!(n-r)!]Let n -> infinity while np = L, a constant, so that p = L/nthenP(X = r) = lim as n -> infinity of n*(n-1)*...*(n-k+1)/r! * (L/n)^r * (1 - L/n)^(n-r)= lim as n -> infinity of {n^r - O[(n)^(k-1)]}/r! * (L^r/n^r) * (1 - L/n)^(n-r)= lim as n -> infinity of 1/r! * (L^r) * (1 - L/n)^(n-r) (cancelling out n^r and removing O(n)^(r-1) as being insignificantly smaller than the denominator, n^r)= lim as n -> infinity of (L^r) / r! * (1 - L/n)^(n-r)Now lim n -> infinity of (1 - L/n)^n = e^(-L)and lim n -> infinity of (1 - L/n)^r = lim (1 - 0)^r = 1lim as n -> infinity of (1 - L/n)^(n-r) = e^(-L)So P(X = r) = L^r * e^(-L)/r! which is the probability function of the Poisson distribution with parameter L.

What does an equal in geometric series?

Geometric series may be defined in terms of the common ratio, r, and either the zeroth term, a(0), or the first term, a(1).Accordingly,a(n) = a(0) * r^n ora(n) = a(1) * r^(n-1)

Related questions

What is the difference between Novolin R and Novolin N?

Novolin R is a short-acting insulin that starts working within 30 minutes and peaks in 2-4 hours, while Novolin N is an intermediate-acting insulin with a slower onset of action, peaking in about 4-12 hours. Novolin R is typically taken before meals to manage blood sugar spikes, while Novolin N is usually taken once or twice daily to provide basal insulin coverage.

What are the names of regular insulin?

There are several different names for regular insulin, depending on the maker. The one constant is that all of them contain the letter "R" for "regular," in their name. For instance, one maker of insulin called all their insulins Novolin. The "regular" insulin is "Novolin R," their NPH is called "Novolin N," etc.

Can you mix novolog with novolin r?

It is not recommended to mix Novolog (insulin aspart) with Novolin R (regular insulin) in the same syringe due to different onset and duration of action. Consult with a healthcare provider for proper dosing instructions.

How many 6 combination can you make from 1 to 55?

28989675, based on the following criteria: Combination means order does not matter, and there is no repetition allowed (like drawing lotto balls, once a number is drawn, then it cannot be drawn again, and order that the balls are drawn doesn't matter) The formula for this is Combination of n items, taken rat a time.C(n,r) = n! / (r!(n-r)!), where n = 55 and r = 6, in this case. See related link on

What are the release dates for Drawn Together - 2004 N-R-A vs- Ray 3-5?

Drawn Together - 2004 N-R-A vs- Ray 3-5 was released on: USA: 1 November 2006 Australia: 30 July 2007

Why is insulin a over the counter drug?

I am from The United States other country's may have different laws. Insulin is sold over the counter due to the fact that people with Diabetes don't always have a prescription for the medicine yet they still need to take it to live. In my area these insulin's range in price from $40-$60 There is a list of insulin sold over the counter such as Novolin N, Novolin R, Novolin 70/30, Humulin N, Humulin R, Humulin 70/30, Humulin 50/50and so on. There is a list of insulin NOT SOLD OVER THE COUNTER. Apidra, lantus, Novolog, Humalog ect. So in fact it would be murder if you could not purchase insulin over the counter. Although if you have no money and you need insulin it would seem that you might be out of luck or life.

What is the formula for a geometric sequence?

a+a*r+a*r^2+...+a*r^n a = first number r = ratio n = "number of terms"-1

Prove that nCr plus nCr minus 1 equals n plus 1Cr?

nCr + nCr-1 = n!/[r!(n-r)!] + n!/[(r-1)!(n-r+1)!] = n!/[(r-1)!(n-r)!]*{1/r + 1/n-r+1} = n!/[(r-1)!(n-r)!]*{[(n-r+1) + r]/[r*(n-r+1)]} = n!/[(r-1)!(n-r)!]*{(n+1)/r*(n-r+1)]} = (n+1)!/[r!(n+1-r)!] = n+1Cr

What has the author N R Tostevin written?

N. R. Tostevin has written: 'The first great seal of Charles II at Sausmarez'

What is the difference between a permutation and combination?

n p =n!/(n-r)! r and n c =n!/r!(n-r)! r

What is the nth term of an AP?

If the first term, t(1) = a and the common difference is r then t(n) = a + (n-1)*r where n = 1, 2, 3, ...

Why is it said that poisson distribution is a limiting case of binomial distribution?

This browser is totally bloody useless for mathematical display but...The probability function of the binomial distribution is P(X = r) = (nCr)*p^r*(1-p)^(n-r) where nCr =n!/[r!(n-r)!]Let n -> infinity while np = L, a constant, so that p = L/nthenP(X = r) = lim as n -> infinity of n*(n-1)*...*(n-k+1)/r! * (L/n)^r * (1 - L/n)^(n-r)= lim as n -> infinity of {n^r - O[(n)^(k-1)]}/r! * (L^r/n^r) * (1 - L/n)^(n-r)= lim as n -> infinity of 1/r! * (L^r) * (1 - L/n)^(n-r) (cancelling out n^r and removing O(n)^(r-1) as being insignificantly smaller than the denominator, n^r)= lim as n -> infinity of (L^r) / r! * (1 - L/n)^(n-r)Now lim n -> infinity of (1 - L/n)^n = e^(-L)and lim n -> infinity of (1 - L/n)^r = lim (1 - 0)^r = 1lim as n -> infinity of (1 - L/n)^(n-r) = e^(-L)So P(X = r) = L^r * e^(-L)/r! which is the probability function of the Poisson distribution with parameter L.