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Q: Is To be explicit mean to be clear and concise true or false?
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What does explict mean?

"Explicit" means something that is clearly stated or shown, leaving no room for doubt or confusion. It is often used to describe content that is bold, straightforward, and direct in its delivery.

What is an explicit message?

An explicit message would be one that is clear and unambiguous.Here are some examples from users:My friend Bob once went to the store to get some eggs.That is a nice purple shirt.Note: although you hear the word used with music in a certain way, the word "explicit" just means clear and obvious. It doesn't always mean "sexually explicit" or "potentially offensive" as it is used in music labeling.

What is the explicit in twilight?

what do you mean?

What are explicit verbs?

Explicit verbs are verbs which are unambiguous and leave no doubt as to what they mean.

What does it mean when an author describes a character in an explicit way?

When an author describes a character in an explicit way, they provide detailed and specific information about the character's physical appearance, personality traits, and background. This allows readers to form a clear and vivid image of the character in their minds.

What does succinctly mean?

"Succinctly" means expressing something in a clear and concise manner, using as few words as possible while still capturing the main points of information.

What is a sentence using the word explicitly?

explicit * showing something very clearly or graphically (often used in reference to explicit violence or sex) * expressed in a very clear way, ie. explicit instructions or be explicit about what you want

What does it mean present information directly?

Clear words are used to say exactly what a person is thinking or feeling

Does concise mean the same thing as consolidate?

No. Consolidate means to gather things together. Concise means to be brief and to the point

What does explicit mean in tagalog?

The word "explicit" in Tagalog can be translated as "malinaw" or "eksplisito." It refers to something that is clearly stated or shown without room for doubt or misunderstanding.

What does it mean 'straight to the point?

To be concise in your speaking, to say exactly what you mean, plainly.

What does it mean when you have to explain the significans of something?

When you are asked to explain the significance of something, you are being prompted to clarify its importance or relevance. This typically involves highlighting the impact, implications, or relevance of the subject matter in a clear and concise manner.