No, a 4-digit number is not always less than a 5-digit number. The value of a number is determined by the digits it contains, not the number of digits. For example, the 4-digit number 9999 is greater than the 5-digit number 1000. It is important to consider the actual numerical value when comparing numbers, not just the number of digits.
Yes A 4 digit is like 1111 A 5 digit is like 11111
This is not true. Think about any 4 digit multiplied by 1. This remains a 4 digit. In the case of any 4 digit under 5000, multiplied by two would also be a 4 digit number
There are 4 possible answers: 32, 53, 74 and 95.
There are 4 possible answers: 32, 53, 74 and 95.
It doesn't always. It's true only if the 4-digit numbers are mirror images of each other.
Yes A 4 digit is like 1111 A 5 digit is like 11111
This is not true. Think about any 4 digit multiplied by 1. This remains a 4 digit. In the case of any 4 digit under 5000, multiplied by two would also be a 4 digit number
This is not true. Think about any 4 digit multiplied by 1. This remains a 4 digit. In the case of any 4 digit under 5000, multiplied by two would also be a 4 digit number
Any number that is is a palindrome will always be a palindrome.
The smallest 4 digit no is 1000. The smallest 2 digit no. is 10. Multiply these, you get 10,000. this is a 5 digit no. so the answer to your question is no. Multiplying one thousand by ten to get ten thousand is something you can do in your head in much less time than sending a question to wiki-answers. If you want to get better at math, start by always spending half a minute in thinking "is there an easy way to do this".
6849 and 0213
There are 4 possible answers: 32, 53, 74 and 95.
There are 4 possible answers: 32, 53, 74 and 95.
It doesn't always. It's true only if the 4-digit numbers are mirror images of each other.
three answers: 6849 or 4637 or 2425
I am a four digit number. My tens digit is 2 more than my ones digit. My hundreds and thousands digit are both 1 less than my ones digit. What number can i be?