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Q: Is a 5.7 cm kidney cyst going to need removal?
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What causes you to need to have your ovaries to be removed?

You could have a cyst on your ovaries and the damage of the ovary can be permanent resulting in removal.

What is cortical cyst in left kidney?

A cyst is a fluid filled structure. Cortical describes its location in the cortex, meaning the outer portion of the kidney. Mid pole is the middle portion of the kidney. There are different types of cysts. Simple cysts are harmless and may be ignored. Complex cysts range from harmless to cancerous. The features of the cyst will help the radiologist (the doctor interpreting the exam) determine whether the cyst is simple or complex. Depending on its features, complex cysts will need to be reimaged (with CT or ultrasound) or removed (with surgery).

What three segments of the gallbladder manipulated during removal includes?

Gallbladder has no segments. Gallbladder is a bag like or cyst like structure and need to be removed in Toto.

I have a large 7.1 x 5.6 x 6.6 cm thin walled cyst with clear contents in upper pole of left kidney Should I be worried Can this be cleared?

You need to see a doctor. That's not good.

How do you reduce size of kidney cysts?

First you need to know and understand what type of cyst are you referring to. There are two known types of kidney cysts, the first is Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) which is a genetic disorder of unknown causes and the second type is due to impaired kidney function. The common medical procedure for Kidney cysts is to undergo a surgery procedure called a laparoscopy, which via CT scan drains the cyst of fluid. Improving kidney function should be implemented for long term changes to encourage better filtration of the organ. The appearance of cysts most often occur over a number of years, therefore trying to reduce the cyst or remove it completely (via reabsorption) is a process which can take some time. You know what, you should go and visit mediangels which I personally visit often. I think of it as my very own encyclopedia for health related issues. It's really good and informative.

What is Laser Hair Removal and what are the Benefits of it?

Laser hair removal is one of the best ways of hair removal as it gives permanent solutions in most cases. It is an expensive and painful process but you will not need to bother about going in for hair removal every month.

Can a sebace ous cyst go away on it's own?

well i have one and i am going to get it removed the seventeenth but the skin on the cyst keeps peeling and the bump has gone down so much that im not sure I'll need it removed. i hope that helps a little!

Does a 12.5X6.1 cm ovarian cyst need to be removed?

my daughter is 30 have ovariam cyct 1cm she is in hospital 1week with constant pain does this cyst need to be operated. last year they took ovary and tub from a cyst that was the size of a grape fruit.

Do you need a cast after ganglion cyst surgery?


What is a cyst on the out edge of ear it hurts when I lay on it?

Probably it *is* a cyst, but could be other things as well, which is why you need to show it to your doctor.

What food help improve kidney functions?

Anything healthy will help to improve the kidney function but however you don't need to much fat but you still need some fat going in your body and loads of drinks especially water ...

Is mx3 capsule can cure cyst?

No. You need to see the doctor for that.