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my daughter is 30 have ovariam cyct 1cm she is in hospital 1week with constant pain

does this cyst need to be operated. last year they took ovary and tub from a cyst that was the size of a grape fruit.

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Q: Does a 12.5X6.1 cm ovarian cyst need to be removed?
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Related questions

Can ovarian cyst stop you from having kids?

no, but it can make it harder to get preg. if they are really big. you should always have a ultra sound to determine the size of the cyst, and if they need to be removed before getting preg.

Can you exercise with an ovarian cyst?

Yes you can exercise with an ovarian cyst but there will be pain in your legs and ovaries. You should take it easy and rest. If you want to get rid of your ovarian cyst naturally go to and buy the book and read it. It cures cysts hollistically. No need for surgery. Hope this helps.

How does a doctor determine when you need to have surgery on your ovaries?

Usaully they determine that you need ovarian surgery when something is wong with your ovary and it is a serios problem and they diagnose the problem by running certain lab tests and screenings. I am only 11 but i do know what i am talking about i just had an ovarian cyst removed it was 7 cm in diameter.

Can a ovarian cyst result in death?

No it cannot. But you should notify your doctor so they can monitor growth of the cyst. New answer: Yes, actually it can, but not unless there are complications. A ruptured ovarian cyst can have potentially life-threatening complications, such as hemorrhage and infection. You need to see a doctor so that he or she can keep an eye on the cyst to see if it shrinks. I know this because I currently have one that is 3.2 cm wide. Most ovarian cysts disappear all on their own and even if they don't, the cysts are usually not cancerous or dangerous.

Should you poke or squeeze an ovarian cyst?

You should do neither! This is something a doctor need to take a look at. Do not attemt anything yourself.

I had a hystremony and they left a cyst and now i am hurting on my right ovary and been sick day?

Go to the doctor ASAP; you might need to have the cyst removed.

What happens when your ovarian cyst inflam blow your stomach up?

By blowing up, am assuming you mean blotted. If that's the case then that is part of the side effects of an ovarian cyst, you can try taking a warm shower or use a hot water bottle to soothe it. On the other hand if it comes with pain then you need to consult your GYNA to make sure everything is fine.

What causes you to need to have your ovaries to be removed?

You could have a cyst on your ovaries and the damage of the ovary can be permanent resulting in removal.

What symptoms does an ovarian cyst cause?

Many ovarian cysts do not cause any symptoms. Symptoms often indicate a large or ruptured cyst, or one that is blocking blood supply. Pain in the pelvic area, either a dull continuous ache or sudden sharp pain is a common symptom. Other symptoms include dizziness, bloating or the need to urinate frequently.

Are ovarian cyst cancerous?

They are very painful and in exceptinal cases can be malignant (cancerous) they are normally benign. You need to get them sorted asap if you have them as not doing so can cause infertillity

Can a sebace ous cyst go away on it's own?

well i have one and i am going to get it removed the seventeenth but the skin on the cyst keeps peeling and the bump has gone down so much that im not sure I'll need it removed. i hope that helps a little!

Does a cyst have to be cut out?

Not all cysts need to be cut out. Small, non-bothersome cysts can often be left alone and monitored. However, if a cyst is large, causing symptoms or concerns, or is suspected to be malignant, it may need to be surgically removed.