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Q: Is a 90 percent learning curve steeper than an 80 percent learning curve?
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30% is steeper than 15% slope.

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Why adiabatic curve is steeper than an isothermal curve?

Reason being vaguely adiabatic process is more rapid - process is done so fast that no energy is allowed to enter or exit the system. So P-v variations will be high

Is a mountain steeper than a hill?

Yes.A mountain is generally steeper than a hill because it is taller.

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The bed of a youthful valley will be steeper than the remainder of the watercourse, and the valley walls will be steeper than the remainder of the watercourse.

What number if used as a slope would produce a graph steeper than the function y -5x?

-- Any number less than -5 is a steeper line sloping down. -- Any number greater than +5 is a steeper line sloping up.

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why some long-run average cost curves are steeper on the downward side than others.

Why an adiabatic curve steeper than an iosthermal?

An adiabatic curve is steeper than an isothermal curve because in adiabatic processes, no heat is exchanged with the surroundings, so the temperature changes more rapidly with pressure compared to isothermal processes where the temperature remains constant, leading to a less steep curve.

Would you get a f with 57 percent?

Assuming your teacher doesn't grade on a curve, then yes, anything less than 60% would be an F.

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heating curve is hotter than the cooling curve

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