A D is a passing grade for 9th grade. It is the overall average of all grades that makes the difference between passing and repeating a grade.
a d or up up up
It will be a grade C or D.
The bare minimum passing grade used to be a D, but those days are over. According to Wikipedia, the least passing grade is a C. A C+ is also a passing grade because you are high average, but a B is above average. So just to let you know, NEVER get D's or F's. Now if you got a C- and the other classmates got D-'s, YOU would be above average. Hope this helped, keep getting those B's and A's! 😎
-- Your score is 57 percent.-- Your grade depends on whatever the teacher decides is the grade for 57 percent.-- Personally, I can't imagine a teacher awarding a passing grade for a score of 57 percent.
No, but C is.
A D is a passing grade for 9th grade. It is the overall average of all grades that makes the difference between passing and repeating a grade.
The average passing grade should be a D- or above, but it varies on different schools and districts.
The student improved her math grade from failing to passing by studying hard and putting in extra effort to understand the material.
It will have a bad effect on your grade.
a d or up up up
This will vary from school to school. At most times a D is a passing grade, but at some schools if you get 3 D's than you would go to summer school. If given a D you are given partial credit.
It is a passing grade, but below average.
A Level Math grade - D GCSE Math Grade - A* (near full) That should speak for itself
It will be a grade C or D.
Yes, a friend of mine (well 2 of them) have their BA and both got a D in College Algebra, so Yes it is a passing grade, as long as it is not an "F"