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No, but C is.

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Q: Is a D a passing grade at Liberty University for Math?
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Related questions

Is a D in math passing grade?

yes it is but better to get a A+

How did the student who studies hard manage to improve her math grade from failing to passing?

The student improved her math grade from failing to passing by studying hard and putting in extra effort to understand the material.

What is your grade if you get 20 math questions correct out of 35 math questions?

-- Your score is 57 percent.-- Your grade depends on whatever the teacher decides is the grade for 57 percent.-- Personally, I can't imagine a teacher awarding a passing grade for a score of 57 percent.

What are West Liberty University's 25th-75th percentile ACT Math Scores?

West Liberty University's 2014 25th-75th percentile ACT Math Scores are 17-23, meaning 25% of students scored 17 or lower on the ACT Math Score, and 75% of students scored 23 or lower (i.e. 25% of students scored 23 or higher).

What are West Liberty University's 25th-75th percentile SAT Math scores?

West Liberty University's 2014 25th-75th percentile SAT Math Scores are 400-490, meaning 25% of students scored 400 or lower on the Math portion of the SAT, and 75% of students scored 490 or lower (i.e. 25% of students scored 490 or higher).

If you get 16 wrong in your math test out of 28 wthat do you get?

around 57% still a passing grade I guess. if 14 is 75%, probabaly 78%.

What is math 11?

Math 11 is the standard math course that all students are required to take in grade 11 of high school. there is an easier course called applications math, but in order to get into university you need to pass principals, or math 11

How do you do eighth grade math?

You have to be in eight grade to do eight grade math. Except if you are very smart.

What is term in 3rd grade math?

3rd grade math

What are West Liberty University's 25th-75th percentile SAT scores?

West Liberty University's 2014 25th-75th percentile SAT scores are 400-490 on the Critical Reading section, 400-490 on the Math section, and 360-450 on the Writing section.

What grade is saxan math 87?

Saxon Math 8/7 is considered 7th grade math. Hope that helps!

How does A level math compare to G.C.S.E math?

A Level Math grade - D GCSE Math Grade - A* (near full) That should speak for itself